Price: R 9, 500.00/ 4-5 hour training facilitation rate (delegates ideally should not exceed 20 to 25 )
The number of delegates for onsite training would be dependent on the size of the training venue to accommodate for social distancing
Zoom training pricing available on request.
Part 1 - Employees
Part 2 - Employers
Part 3 - Compliance Officers
Part 1 + 2 As a requirement of COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Workplaces and in terms of the Disaster Management Act (57 of 2002) and now including the Government Gazette 43400 "CONSOLIDATED COVID-19 DIRECTION Health & Safety in the Workplace" - Positively Alive is equipped to provide your COVID-19 Workplace Awareness Training requirements.
Part 3 COVID-19 Compliance Officer Training Facilitation. As per Gazette No 43620 dated 18 August 2020, ★ COVID-19 LEGAL UPDATE ★ "Industries, businesses and entities, both private and in the public sector, must designate a COVID-19 Compliance Officer and display their name prominently and visible area". Disaster Management Act (57/2002): Determination of Alert Level
Demonstrate knowledge and application of COVID-19 prevention, protection and preparedness measures.
Legal Compliance training programme as per the terms of the Occupational Health & Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993) and Regulations (as amended). Legal compliance as per the Government Gazette 43400 "CONSOLIDATED COVID-19 DIRECTION Health & Safety in the Workplace
A legal requirement in terms of the HBA Regulations (Hazard Biological Agents Regulations).
The HBA Regulations provides the foundation of our COVID-19 training material. Obtain CPD Points from the COVID-19 training material.
The Draft Risk-Adjusted Strategy for Economic Activity [April 2020] says; Individual businesses or workplaces must have:
- COVID-19 risk assessments [HIRA] and plans in place, and
- must conduct worker education on COVID-19 and protection measures
Duration of the training: 4 – 5 hours (Dependent on the target group)
This COVID-19 training material has been developed in association with Intra-Safe OHS Training Material (a Corporate Member of the South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health)
Download the full details on this training modules including the objectives, target market, outcomes and content of the COVID-19 Workplace Awareness Training modules HERE
Training options include:
- On site training facilitation (taking into account the requirement of the COVID-19 Disaster Management Act (57 of 2002). Government Gazette No. 43257 dated 29 April 2020)
- Zoom training facilitation (Groups or individuals)
- Client specific training requirements to be discussed
To schedule this training module contact Alan Brand from Positively Alive 