
Author: Alan Brand
Published by: Jacana Media
As a successful, respected and widely accomplished businessman, the last thing Alan Brand expected was to be diagnosed as HIV positive. Positively Alive chronicles Alan's tremendous journey with HIV through vivid and personal journals where his revitalized holistic approach to health became so successful that when he finally divulged his status he had trouble convincing people that he was in fact HIV positive. Breaking the silence about his status helped Alan to turn his HIV status into a positive force in transforming his life and the lives of others.
In writing, Positively Alive, Alan has revealed an intimate and compelling personal account of life with HIV. He shares practical and emotional steps that have helped him live positively with HIV in a rousing account that is both readable and remarkable and gives advice to those who are HIV positive and to their family, friends and caregivers on how to live positively and productively with HIV.
"In 1997 I left my doctors rooms in a state of shock. She had just told me that I was HIV positive. On that day a journey of discovery started.
I remember trying to think what I knew about HIV and found it was very little. One thing, and the only thing I could think of at the time was that I knew for certain I was going to die of AIDS, how long did I have?
I decided to remain silent about my status until I was ready to deal with it. I knew I needed information but didn't know where to find it. Information about HIV/AIDS was mostly about prevention and was based on frightening people into using condoms. I already knew I should have practiced safe sex. I was well informed about the risk of HIV and that I would die of AIDS. This information was useless at this point of my life. But every poster and pamphlet seems intent on propagating this type of fear-based information. Information about living with HIV was difficult to attain. I felt that if I asked for help, people would suspect that I had HIV.
In 1999 I had my CD4 count done, it was discovered that my CD4 had dropped to 236 and I was told that I must start antiretroviral therapy or I would be dead within 18 months. The shock of this news is hard to describe, I guess anger was my first response. My heart cried out in anger:
'Who is this doctor, is he God that he knows how long I have?'
That was the day that things really started to change. Six weeks after changing my attitude and beginning to take charge of the situation I had my CD4 count done and it had recovered to 549. The viral load had also dropped to undetectable levels. That was in January 2000 and at the time I managed to maintain my CD4 and my health without the use of antiretroviral therapy." Now since 2004, using ARV’s Alan continues to remain positively alive.
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Positively Alive Recipe Book 2nd Edition

Positively Alive Recipe Book – Second Edition
Alan was diagnosed as being HIV-positive in 1997 and then went on to develop AIDS in 1999. At that time treatment for HIV (ARV’s) cost as much as R8, 000.00 per month and this was not covered by medical aids in South Africa. Treatment for HIV with ARV’s was also not yet available through public health care. It was at this time that Alan began to study and research the role that balanced and healthy nutrition could play in assisting him to maintain his immune health as well as assist his body to fight off HIV. Alan’s first successful book, Positively Alive details his story of living a thriving with HIV was published in 2005. The 1st edition of the Positively Alive Recipe Book was first published in 2014.
The Positively Alive Recipe Book Second Edition contains an update to much of the valuable information Alan researched over his 25 years of living with HIV. It also includes many more healthy, tasty and easy to make recipes using local ingredients. It also includes a new section dedicated to eating raw foods through the addition on a chapter dedicated to Smoothies – Nutrition in a Glass. With a background of over 30 years in the catering industry Alan’s love for food ensures that the recipe book does not only contain recipes but also stories and anecdotes aimed at providing a better understanding of the importance of nutrition in maintaining immune health. It answers the questions, how should one eat to ensure that you are a well-nourished adult? What does a healthy balanced diet consist of?
Alan says, “There is no golden bullet when it comes to nutrition and immune health. The best way to fight HIV is with (ARV) anti-retroviral medication in combination with a balanced healthy diet.” Understanding what is meant by a balanced healthy diet is what this recipe book is all about.
It is important to remember that the aim of ARV treatment is to interfere in the cycle of a retrovirus such as HIV. The role of ARV’s is to stop the virus from replicating and hence ensure that an undetectable viral load can be obtained. ARV’s do not boost immune health, a positive attitude with love; care and support in combination with access to healthy balanced nutrition is the only things that can assist the body to remain Positively Alive.
The Positively Alive Recipe Book, Second Edition combines quick and easy recipes (and some family, local favourites) using available South African products and ingredients. With the addition of basic nutritional information accompanying each recipe the HIV individual as well as their loved ones will be better able to understand the role that Nutrition can play in maintaining immune health.
You cannot take medication on an empty stomach. Vitamins, and minerals supplements in pill format do not make you full; eating a healthy balanced diet is all it takes.
Remember food fills your tummy, while vitamins and supplements in pill format will leave you hungry. Makes sense does it not? Be wise and live a healthy life. – Alan Brand
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A 2 Z of HIV booklet - Information Booklet
Just out in time for World AIDS Day 2017 this concise information booklet covering all aspects on HIV and AIDS.
Compiled by: Alan Brand from Positively Alive.
Published by: MicroMega Publications 2017
To obtain copies of the A 2 Z HIV – information booklet, at R10.35 each (excluding courier costs)
Also available in Afrikaans
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